Here’s your mantra for the week! This week’s card is from my The Sovereign Success Oracle deck. You can get it here or here.
I focus only on what’s aligned with me
When I drew the card for this week – I focus only on what’s aligned with me – it immediately took me back to an Akashic Records reading I’d done last year for a writer who was struggling to finish the draft of a novel they’d been working on for quite some time. After they ran out of ways to blame others for not getting any writing done, they decided to sign up for a reading with me to learn more about where their resistance was coming from and what could be done about it.
Resistance can have a million different origins and the reasons why we’re resisting something are often layered. In this particular case, the writer’s Akashic Records provided multiple topics and questions that needed to be meditated on or journaled about, amongst which were two questions about alignment.
The first question was specific to the novel they were working on and asked the writer to check in with themself to see whether the story and its message were still aligned with them. If not, what needed to be changed?
Resistance to a particular something doesn’t necessarily mean you’re resisting the thing itself, so I was far from surprised that the next question their Records told me to pass on was a much broader one. It asked them to revisit their overall career plans and consider whether or not those plans still aligned with them. If not, what did that mean for the novel they were trying to finish?
Feeling resistance when your work is not entirely – or no longer – aligned with where you are or where your career is going is rather common and I come across it quite a bit in my work as a coach. That’s why, for today’s post, I took those questions the Akashic Records provided and turned them into a quick alignment exercise that can be used by any creative person who’s resisting or feeling reluctant to engage with the work they’re (supposed to be) doing right now.
You can download it here.
Like I said above, resistance can have many reasons and causes, and working through this exercise might not solve your current struggle, or not solve it entirely. However, one of my not so humble beliefs is that being aligned with the work you’re doing and the path you’ve set out for yourself is key to creating a creative career that’s both fulfilling and sustainable. Whether or not your resistance or reluctance comes from a place of misalignment, the exercise will help you get clear on where you, your project, and your career are right now, and if and how you can align the three of you.
If you download the exercise and give it a go, I’d love to hear your thoughts and what showed up for you.
Happy creating (and aligning!) this week <3
No matter whether you know exactly what you’re struggling with creatively or not, a Reiki healing can help clear what needs clearing, make flow what’s currently stuck, and reconnect you with your creative spark.
As a coach who’s also a Tera Mai™ Reiki and Tera Mai™ Seichem Master, I love sending Reiki energy to the creatives I work with. Book your own distant healing session here or here.