I've spent so much of my life surrounded by people who tried to limit me "for my own good" - and sometimes just for their own selfish reasons. Giving myself permission to go after what I want is definitely still a challenge, but I'm slowly getting better at it. Thank you for sharing this.

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You're welcome!

'It's for your own good', 'I'm only saying this because I love you', and 'I don't want you to get hurt/fail'... Nowadays, phrases like these make me - metaphorically - stick my tongue out and just continue with what I was doing. Their fears and limited beliefs aren't mine, I see that now. But yes, it continues to be a challenge (it's all a process!), especially when such a phrase comes out of the mouth of a person I thought was a 100% on my wavelength. During those times, it takes extra strength and belief in my self to say: 'This is you projecting your worldview onto me and I'm not having it.'

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